Where can I find an application form?

  1. Premier Miton funds – direct investment 
    Our forms can be downloaded from our Literature section on our website. If you can’t find the form you need, call us on 0333 456 4560.

    Popular application forms:

    - Application Form – for making a direct application to invest into a Premier Miton fund.

    - ISA application and ISA transfer form – for investments into a Premier Miton fund through an Individual Savings Account, or to transfer your existing ISA with another provider into a Premier Miton ISA.

    - Transfer from a fund to an ISA - for existing investors in a Premier Miton fund who wish to transfer part or all of their current holding into an ISA.

    - Top up form – if you wish to put more money into an existing Premier Miton fund that you hold, with a lump sum or by changing your regular savings amount. 

    - Application to switch funds – if you wish to switch your investment in a Premier Miton fund into another Premier Miton fund.
  2. Premier Portfolio Management Service If you are investing through a financial adviser, you are able to invest in the Premier Portfolio Management Service. Your financial adviser will provide you with the relevant application forms. To minimise the possibility of an application form being rejected because it was not submitted by the financial adviser, we only make the Premier Portfolio Management Service application forms available to financial advisers.
  3. Investment trusts
    Please visit the individual trust pages for a list of different investment platforms where you can invest.
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