Premier Portfolios: What do I need to provide to withdraw monies from my account?

For clients invested in the Premier Portfolio Management Service only. 
Please send a written instruction to us at:
Premier Fund Managers Ltd, Eastgate Court, High Street, Guildford, GU1 3DE
In some occasions, we may have to contact you by telephone for further information or to validate the withdrawal request. 
If we are unable to make contact with you, we will write a letter to you to ask that you contact us to verify the request and send a copy of this letter to your financial adviser. However, we can only accept verification from you directly and not via your financial adviser. We will continue to try and make contact. 
Whilst this process may cause a delay in processing your request, should we be unable to make contact with you quickly, it is very important that we undertake all appropriate steps to protect the security of your investments and to help mitigate the risk of any fraudulent activity to your account.
In addition to any validation, we will also require up-to-date Customer Due Diligence and anti-money laundering documentation, providing we have that on file we may not require anything further. 
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